
Serve on a Team

There are many ways to serve at Parkside Kent on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.

“It is plain that every-member ministry in the body of Christ is Paul’s, and therefore Christ’s own, ideal. The church is not to be like a bus, where passengers let someone else do the driving, but like an anthill, where everyone is at work.”

J.I. Packer, “Experiencing God’s Presents.”Christianity Today, August 2003.

Thank You

As we get started at Parkside Kent, we can be certain that we’ll find new opportunities to serve God, our community, and one another. Our aim in building teams is to equip one another to serve in a predictable rotation week-to-week. Please consider how you can be involved in this new season of ministry!

Ways to Serve

Welcome Team

Help to make people feel at home on Sunday mornings by extending a greeting, serving coffee, or meeting new visitors to Parkside Kent.

Set Up & Tear Down

As a new plant, we need to unpack and set up at Kent Roosevelt each Sunday morning—sign up here to help us get our things set each week.

Parkside Kids

Have a gifting in the classroom or want to help invest in the next generation? Serve in our Nursery or with Parkside Kids as a teacher or classroom helper.

Worship Team

Play an instrument or sing to help lead worship for our church family as part of the Sunday morning service.

Tech Team

Join our Tech Team to help us set up the live sound, run our slides, or configure our cameras and livestream.

Serve Another Way

Don’t see what you’re looking for here, or have another way that you’d like to help at Parkside Kent? Please get in touch!